5 Seconds That Can Make or Break Your Morning

Each of us holds immense potential and possibility for creating and living a life we love.

The morning time is the easiest place to access those potentials and possibilities.


Because when you are asleep at night, your body, mind, soul and energy system rests and completely resets.

This means that every morning when you wake up, you can start fresh. 

Knowing this can completely shift your entire day, not to mention positively change the course of your entire life. 

Which is kind of a big deal.

So, let's explore this a bit:

First, what many people don’t realize is that there is a Morning Reset Point--5 seconds that have the potential to make or break your day. Once you know where the Morning Reset Point is, you can learn how to leverage it.

Second, when you use the Morning Reset Point as part of a morning routine you love, you can use the power of that reset to change your entire life.


Where is the Morning Reset Point?

The Morning Reset Point is the 3-5 seconds between being asleep and being awake. It's that groggy, in-between stage where your mind hasn't started thinking yet.

The easiest way to describe this exact morning reset point moment is this:

Think back to the last time you spent the night some place new. When you woke up that morning, for a few brief seconds you aren’t quite sure where you were. THAT is the morning reset point. 

We all have this 5 second Morning Reset Point every single morning, but because it is so brief, we often skip right over it...or mindlessly reach over and grab our phone to check email and Facebook®.


How Can I Leverage the Morning Reset Point to Improve My Day?

If we can recognize this time and insert a word, phrase or thought that we want to think (as opposed to immediately jumping to where we left of the night before or starting our day already stressed by checking emails), we can change the entire course of our morning and our day.

Here's what I do:
1. I choose a phrase that I want to use as my morning reset phrase. I write it on a sticky note and put it next to my bed so I see it during that 5 second morning reset.

It might be a simple word:
“gratitude” or “love.”

It might be a simple phrase:
“I’m grateful to be awake.”

It might be an intention:
“I’m ready to show up with courage today.”
“I want to be of service today.” 

One of my favorites is “I wonder what miracles will show up for me today.”

I like to get creative here and use whatever feels right. I also tend to change it up every so often by using a new word, phrase or intention.

2. Then, during that 5 second Morning Reset Point, I notice the sticky note and think that phrase or say it aloud. Repeat it for 60 seconds.

This is a simple but VERY powerful trick and will change the entire momentum of your day.


What do I do after the Morning Reset Point?

After you take advantage of that 5 second Morning Reset Point by repeating your word, phrase or intention, you've set a powerful trajectory for the rest of your day.

Instead of immediately jumping to your to-do list, you can start your day centered and grounded in what is most important for you that day.

Instead of rolling over and grabbing your phone to check emails or view the Facebook® newsfeed, you can get out of bed on the heels of a positive momentum and keep the momentum going so it trickles out into your day.

A solid morning routine is a great way to do this.

Highly successful, productive and happy people will tell you that good mornings lead to productive and happy days. A whole bunch of good days strung together makes a happy life.



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