Power of the Prism Testimonials

What people are saying about Power of the Prism:



What kind of results did you get with Power of the Prism?

-Nicole Karon of www.nicolekaron.com

Guys, this is nuts. I've had a house for sale for almost a year. I think you'll know what I mean when I say that I have sons of "STUFF" around houses and owning and selling them.

I had my final POTP 1:1 session with Deana this morning. The house came up big time and we cleared like a MOFO.

Guess what? GOT MY FIRST OFFER AFTER ONE YEAR 10 minutes ago. YUP. Sorry for yelling, just so excited.

High fives all around!! 

-Karen Park


  My prism forever changed my life.

And so did Deana.

Power of the Prism isn’t just a program or course. It is a turning point. It’s a way of living. It’s the most incredible treasure in my treasure trove.

In less than two weeks, I felt my Prism’s power in my energy. It attuned me to the highest of vibrations that I’ve ever felt; vibrations that I’ve only known by being in the company of angels before.

It helped me release tons of old patterns and energies. I didn’t just feel like I up-leveled by one or two levels at a time, this thing took me up seven or eight notches at a time. It knocked all sorts of crap out of my energetic system.

I saw its impact everywhere in my life.

I became clear in my soul’s purpose and then was able to create FIVE offerings in my business based that vision! For the first time ever, I became able to articulate my purpose and stand in the power of truly knowing what I came here to do. I am longer floundering or avoiding the essence of who I really am.

As one example of its amazing unbelievable power, my prism helped me build my new website. How, you ask? It lead me to the most incredible, high vibration babysitter to care for my infant while I knocked out the website in a relatively short amount of time. When I worked on my website, my personal vibration level jumped nearly 100 points. ONE HUNDRED points. THAT’S what I’m talking about! Prism knocks out the low energy and banishes the obstacles so you can be your best self--the self that fulfills its soul’s purpose.

In my personal life, my self-development went a million miles inward at the speed of light. My confidence has sky-rocketed. I am now even more in-tune to the energy around me and my clairsentience is rapidly expanding. Communication with my husband has improved leaps and bounds, too.

And so yes, Prism is beyond awesome. But that’s not to discount Deana’s education piece in POTP. She’s a wonderful teacher and channeler of miraculous material. She’s great to listen to, breaking down complex concepts in a way that are easily digestible and actionable. Her words really stick to you. Her energy helps implant and encode you with out-of-this-world knowledge.

POTP is life changing and I recommend it to anyone who wants to truly to heal, amplify their purpose, and live an invigorating life.

- Nicole Karon (NicoleKaron.com)



What did you think about Power of the Prism?

-Nicole Karon of www.nicolekaron.com


The information in Power of Prism is amazingly well presented. It was like when I was a young girl reading the Babysitter’s Club books. I was hanging on every word, so eager for the next part, but didn’t want to lose the “high” of the moment when everything was SO good. How could it possibly get better? It always did. Deana taught me so much and I loved soaking it all in. It’s a thrilling ride of knowledge, resonance, and curiosity! I adore my prism and am more than excited to see what chapters of my life unfold because I can tap into my potential more than ever before. It’s liquid gold. 5 stars.

-Nicole Karon

"Well, I’m not sure where to start, but I can say that working with Deana and the Power of the Prism (POTP) program has been life changing. We’ve all seen the medication ads with the side effects may include…. and it’s usually not so good. Well working with Deana is the exact opposite! It’s all good! I’m not sure exactly how she does what she does (and that’s ok). Working with Deana and the POTP program can cause side effects that may include: renewed excitement and clarity for your life’s purpose, an amazingly supportive and encouraging community, release of limiting beliefs that have been stopping you in your tracks, and the inner trust that you are an amazing being and the knowing that it was always in you, just to name a few.

Deana has a way of breaking things down so they are easy to understand and achievable. I’ve worked with others and have thought, “Great. This exercise/method/etc worked for them, but how will that work for me?” You’ll know right when you start working with Deana, from her down to earth nature and contagious smile, she’s got your back and most importantly, she cares so much about you and the work she’s doing. This is not to say that you don’t have to put any work in to experience your transformation, but you have one of the greatest guides to take you there."



 Deana is fun and lighthearted. She explains energy healing in a practical and useable language. The prism is not for the light hearted, be ready for your stuff to surface. Be gentle with yourself and reach out to others.

I really feel blessed to be a part of this group. I feel like it is just beginning. Deana provided so much information. It was so well thought-out and presented. I loved the length of the videos, not too long. She gave us so much knowledge to work with on our own. Empowering us to be our own healers. SO beautiful.

I would recommend Dena's work to anyone. She is a light. SO joyful and fun.

- Kristin Clark Haas (BoldBeautifulAndBalanced.com)

 I came into this program [Power of the Prism] knowing nothing about crystals, with my heart full of things I wanted to bring into my life. As a result of working with Deana, I've ended up with daily practices to keep myself on track using this powerful tool, and so much has developed for me.

In this program, Deana will teach you tons about your own energy system, prepare you to start cleaning (your own) house, and then lead you as far as you're ready to go. She will empower you to take care of your own energy and is there to step in and help when you need a boost-- but buckle up because she's a seriously powerful healer!

Come into this program and work with Deana only if you're ready for everything to change.

- Karen Park



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