Course 100: Just Like Magic

In this online course for people of all ages, Deana and her daughter Emma will show you four simple + magical things you (and your kids) can do to keep the energy flowing.

You will:

  • Discover a magical place to create your dreams. 
  • Learn how to let go of anger energy.
  • Learn how to make those “icky feelings” disappear.
  • Discover an easy way to stay connected to the things or people you love.

Just Like Magic includes 14 videos organized in an online course portal. In these 14 videos, Deana and Emma walk you through 47 minutes of incredible content. Please allow yourself more time to practice these activities on your own. You'll gain access to this course immediately, as well as a video that let's you look over Deana's shoulder at her computer screen as she shows you how to navigate the course.

Click on the GET IT NOW! link on the right hand side of this page to gain immediate access.


50% Complete

Two Step

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